Fall Meeting Ethics Brief Please see the following power point presentation from the RCSU(P) Pacific Commanders Conference 2021 on Ethics.
RGM Tool kit
Regional Growth Management Took Kit Please see the following power point presentation from the RCSU(P) Pacific Commanders Conference 2021 on the Regional Growth Management (RGM) tool kit.
Honours and Awards
Honours and Awards Please see the following presentation from the RCSU(P) Pacific Commanders conference 2021 on Honours and Awards.
CSAR Process
CSAR’s & Training Approval Process Please see the following power point presentation from the RCSU(P) Pacific Commanders Conference 2021 on CSAR’s & Training Approval process.
MOU and Cadets
Understanding the MOU & Cadets-How they work together Please see the following power point presentation from RCSU(P) Pacific Commanders Conference 2021 on Understanding the MOU & Cadets.
Public Affairs Tools
Navigating the Public Affairs Tools Available to You Please see the following power point presentation from the RCSU(P) Pacific Commanders Conference 2021 on Navigating Public Affairs tools.