Major Roy Rigby Jones Award Outstanding Army Cadet Corps in BC
The ACLC BC Branch is pleased to announce the ACLC BC Branch Roy Rigby Jones Outstanding Army Cadet Corps in the Pacific Region will be presented this year. Due to the COVID-19 environment, we have not presented this award since 2020.
This award is open to every Army Cadet Corps in the Pacific Region. This award is based on the following: Prompt RCSU(P) requested returns, Corps Strength, Attendance, Successful program, Support Committee involvement, Support Committee requested returns, Overall efficiency, and meeting the Corps Training objectives.
RCSU(P) will provide the top three Corps from each region, Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, and Interior NLT 31 October 2023. The ACLC BC Branch will hold a nomination meeting with an RCSU(P) Representative and the BC Branch Honors and Award committee. We appreciate working together with RCSU(P) on this award and thank them for their time and assistance.