Welcome Back!
The Army Cadet League of Canada, BC Branch would like to welcome everyone back to a new training year! We were very excited to see so many of our BC Cadets enjoying in-person training this past summer, and hope it all continues into a very successful training year.
The BC Branch is ever thankful for the many volunteers that support our BC Army Cadet Corps. We realize many of you are running the Corps Support Committee with very limited volunteers. We hope to correct that this year and hope all committees will work on recruitment with the assistance of your Corps DND staff.
The ACLC BC Branch is very excited to announce our annual Pillars event will take place in person this year! Our conference will be held on 22 October 2022, at the Pacific Regional Training Center in Chilliwack, BC. We hope to have administrative instructions and an agenda finalized very soon. This conference brings the 3 Pillars of the Army Cadet Program together-the Cadet Corps, RCSU(P), and the ACLC BC Branch. We highly encourage representatives from each Support Committee and Commanding Officer or designate to join us from each Corps.
Lastly, communication is very important between the Support Committees and the BC Branch. It is imperative we have an up to date contact information to send out important information from DND & the ACLC. Please forward any changes via email or please complete the online form at our Branch website: https://britishcolumbia.armycadetleague.ca/download/support-committee-contact-registration-form/